Top 60+ GenZ Phrases & Acronyms You Should Know In 2024

If one thing GenZ has proven is that they are connoisseurs of social media. They are the cool kids in the block, who even had Orkut and MySpace profiles. 

They were the first generation that literally grew up in the digital age. GenZs are even considered much more woke when it comes to social injustice and once-alienated topics like sustainability, climate change, etc! 

Another striking truth about this generation is their changing lingo. It feels next to impossible to keep up with their fancy acronyms and phrases!

But nothing to sweat about! We have got your back. 

We bring to you 60+ sizzling GenZ phrases! If this lot is in your radar, save this up and use them in your next Insta post. 

1. Ate

Ate is a popular slang term commonly used on Instagram and TikTok to express admiration or praise for someone who has excelled at something. 

It is frequently used in the realms of fashion, music, or performance, but it can also be employed in various other contexts.

2. Basic

Basic describes someone who follows mainstream trends, lacks originality, and may have a lack of creativity or personality. 

It originated from popular culture and refers to individuals who conform to popular norms and stereotypes.

3. Beige Flag

The concept of the Beige Flag was introduced to draw attention to the quirky, neutral traits in partners that may not be deal-breakers or deal-makers. 

These are the characteristics that make you pause, chuckle, and then continue, adding a hint of humor and self-reflection to the dating journey.

4. Bet

Bet can be used in various ways, but it typically signifies agreement or confirmation. For example, if someone asks, “Want to grab lunch later?” and the response is “Bet,” it essentially means “agreed” or “okay.” 

It can also be used as a shorthand to convey trust or assurance, like saying, “you can count on it” or “trust me.”

5. Bougie

Bougie or Boujee often describes individuals who pretend to be wealthy or high-class, or those who make exaggerated efforts to appear sophisticated and trendy in their posts. 

It can also refer to individuals who heavily prioritize material possessions or luxury items in their social media content.

6. Bussin

Bussin is a slang term used to describe something as exceptionally good, flavorful, or impressive. 

Netizens often use this term to express their approval or admiration, particularly when referring to food, fashion, or music.

7. Cap

Cap means lying or making false statements. Whereas, capping is deliberate lying, while “stop capping” means to stop lying. 

There’s another slang with cap and that’s No Cap. It means telling the truth, and it can also be used as a question to confirm honesty.

8. Caught in 4K

Caught in 4K is a popular phrase on social media used to emphasize when someone is unmistakably caught doing something. 

It implies that the person’s actions were captured on a high-definition camera, leaving no room for doubt about what occurred.

9. Cheugy

Cheugy is a term used to describe something that was once fashionable or popular but has now become outdated or appears to be trying too hard.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s uncool or undesirable, but rather that it’s slightly out of sync with current trends.

10. Chronically Online

Chronically Online refers to those who dedicate a substantial amount of time to being active on the internet. Memes, culture, and slang heavily influence their personality.

Terminally Online is an alternative term used to describe the state of being chronically online.

11. Coffee Badging

Coffee Badging is the act of employees briefly showing up at their physical workplace, typically in the morning, to interact with coworkers before leaving.

This practice is engaging because it allows folks to meet the requirement of physically being present in the office while still enjoying the flexibility of remote work. 

12. Cozzie Livs

Cozzie Livs is a colloquial noun that was first coined in the United Kingdom. It specifically refers to the pressures and challenges related to the cost of living. 

The term cleverly combines a humorous twist with the realities of trying to maintain a comfortable lifestyle within one’s means. 

13. Cringe

Cringe is a term commonly used to describe content or behavior that is regarded as embarrassing, awkward, or uncomfortable to witness. 

It is typically associated with posts, videos, or comments that induce second-hand embarrassment or make viewers feel uneasy. This can be attributed to the content or the manner in which it is presented.

14. Drip

Drip refers to those who possess a distinct and confident fashion sense, exuding sophistication and trendiness in their demeanor.

Beyond fashion, the term can also describe anyone or anything that radiates confidence, swag, or elegance. It carries implications of excellence and being at the forefront of fashion and style. 

15. Delulu

Delulu is derived from the word “delusional” and is commonly used to describe individuals who exhibit peculiar or extreme behavior, especially superfans or romantic partners. 

It also characterizes someone who holds unrealistic or excessively idealistic beliefs and fantasies. Additionally, it can refer to those who have an unhealthy obsession with a celebrity or crush.

16. Doomscrolling

Doomscrolling refers to the compulsive behavior of continuously scrolling through negative news and content online in a quest for the latest information.

Frequent exposure to distressing news stories can contribute to feelings of doom and exacerbate conditions such as anxiety and depression.

17. ELI5

ELI5 is short for “Explain Like I’m 5”. It is used when a user seeks a simplified explanation of complex or technical concepts, expecting a response that can be easily grasped, even by a five-year-old.

When responding to an ELI5 question, simplify the explanation using relatable examples or analogies to ensure easy understanding for those with limited subject knowledge.

18. Era

Era is commonly used to describe someone’s current interests or priorities. It has become popular on platforms like TikTok, where users use the phrase “in your [blank] era” both seriously and humorously.

It serves as a way to indicate a specific phase or trend that someone is connecting with or participating in at a given time on social media.

19. Extra

Extra is used to characterize someone or something that displays exaggerated, excessive, or dramatic behavior, appearance, or actions.

Referring to someone as Extra implies that their actions or behavior are attention-seeking and performed in an exaggerated manner. It can also describe someone who is excessively dramatic or exceeds the necessary or expected level of involvement.

20. Fax No Printer

Fax, No Printer is a playful expression used on social media to emphasize the undeniable truth of something. It is comparable to saying “just the facts” or “nothing but the truth.”

The phrase cleverly plays on the similarity between the pronunciations of “facts” and “fax,” and dismisses the need for physical evidence as the truth is self-evident and straightforward.

21. Finsta

A Finsta is a term widely used among teenagers and young adults to describe a “fake Instagram” account.

While their main Instagram account is usually carefully curated to highlight their best moments, achievements, and aesthetics, a Finsta account is more genuine, unedited, and personal.

22. FR

The term “FR” is an abbreviation for “For Real” or “For Real?” and is commonly used to express sincerity, agreement or to emphasize a statement or opinion.

It is a way of conveying genuine feelings or thoughts, similar to saying “seriously” or “truthfully”.

23. Glow Up

A glow up refers to a positive transformation or evolution in a person’s appearance, confidence, or lifestyle over a period of time. 

It often involves personal growth, enhanced self-care, and a significant increase in self-esteem.

24. Girl Dinner

A Girl Dinner is a casual term used to describe a meal that typically includes snacks, small portions of different foods, and side dishes. 

It is known for its assortment of appetizers or snacks and its focus on smaller portions.

25. Girl Math

Girl Math is a term that originated on TikTok. It playfully describes a concept where women use unconventional ways to justify their purchases. 

Sometimes, it even includes humorous mathematical reasoning to derive happiness from their financial choices.

26. Hold This L

Hold This L is a phrase frequently employed on social media as a means to taunt or ridicule someone who has experienced a loss or failure in a specific situation. 

This term is an abbreviated form of the expressions “hold this loss” or “take this L,” conveying the idea that the individual should gracefully accept their defeat.

27. Hot Girl Summer

Hot Girl Summer is a term that encompasses a state of mind characterized by confidence, self-acceptance, and unabashed enjoyment of life, especially during the summer season. 

It emphasizes embracing one’s uniqueness, celebrating personal freedom, and savoring every moment.

28. H/T

H/T is a shorthand for “hat tip” or “tip of the hat”. Its purpose is to properly attribute and acknowledge the original source of a meme, expression, image, or idea.

This abbreviation serves as a gesture of recognition and appreciation for someone’s contribution or influence. By using h/t, users conserve characters in their posts instead of spelling out hat tips.

29. IM Baby

I’m Baby has become a popular and amusing internet sensation. It is often used to convey a sense of vulnerability or a lack of understanding about a given situation.

When somebody says “I’m baby,” they are jokingly acknowledging that they are too inexperienced or naïve to handle a particular circumstance.

30. It’s Giving

It’s Giving is a colloquial term used to depict a situation or experience that is exceptionally intense, dramatic, or extravagant. Moreover, it can be used to characterize the overall vibe or aura that something exudes. 

For instance, saying “It’s giving rockstar” would serve as a positive way to describe someone who embodies a rockstar-like energy.


IYKYK is an abbreviation for “If You Know, You Know,” frequently used on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. 

This phrase is commonly used to signify a shared understanding or knowledge about a particular topic within a specific community or group of people.

32. Karen

Karen is employed to depict a stereotype of a middle-aged white woman who is known for being demanding, entitled, and frequently confrontational.

It is used to describe those who exhibit behavior that is seen as self-centered, entitled, and prone to making unreasonable or excessive complaints or demands.

33. Lewks

Lewks is used to describe a fashion look or style that is highly distinctive and leaves a lasting impression on others. 

It can refer to an individual’s unique and stylish appearance as a whole, encompassing elements such as makeup, hair, costumes, and accessories. 

34. Lowkey

Lowkey is used to subtly emphasize a statement or feeling, typically suggesting that something holds importance without being excessively intense. 

It serves as a way for users to express muted excitement, understated agreement, or a gentle desire.

35. LMR

LMR is an abbreviation for “Like My Recent,” which is a call-to-action frequently used on Instagram and TikTok. 

It is a direct request from users to their followers, asking them to engage with their most recent post. The intent behind this appeal is often to increase the visibility and engagement metrics of the post.

36. Main Character Energy

Main Character Energy represents somebody who exudes confidence, charisma, and embodies the essence of being the protagonist in their own life narrative.

This concept revolves around embracing one’s unique qualities and living life with a clear sense of purpose and self-assurance, akin to the lead character in a movie or novel.

37. Menty B

Menty B is used to describe a mental breakdown. It encompasses moments of intense emotional stress or psychological strain when somebody feels overwhelmed.

This term depicts situations where someone is undergoing a notable level of mental distress, often in a relatable and occasionally light-hearted manner.

38. Mid

In social media slang, Mid is utilized to describe something that is of average quality or mediocre.

It serves as a concise critique that implies that something is not terrible but falls far short of being excellent – essentially, it is just okay.

39. Moots

Moots is frequently used to describe mutual followers or mutuals in social media circles. It originates from the word “mutuals,” and signifies folks or accounts that follow and interact with each other’s content on various social media platforms.

Both the plural form, “moots,” and the singular form, “moot,” are commonly used variations of the term.

40. Nepo Baby

Nepo Baby stems from the word “nepotism” and is used to describe individuals, particularly in the entertainment or business industries. 

They have obtained positions or opportunities primarily due to their family or close connections, rather than based on their merit.

41. Noob

Noob is a slang used to refer to an individual who is inexperienced or lacks skill in a game, hobby, or activity. 

It can be utilized either to describe someone who lacks experience in a particular field or as an insult to demean or ridicule a person for their lack of knowledge or skill.

42. NPC

NPC stands for “Non-Player Character”, which originated from the realm of video game culture. It refers to characters within a game that are governed by computer algorithms instead of being controlled by a player.

In the context of social media, the term “NPC” is sometimes employed metaphorically to depict an individual perceived as lacking independent thinking or mindlessly conforming to popular trends.

43. OOMF

OOMF is often used to represent “one of my followers” or “one of my friends”. It serves as a way to refer to individuals indirectly, particularly on social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.

This term can be employed flirtatiously or passive-aggressively, enabling users to acknowledge someone’s message or existence without directly mentioning them in a public manner.

44. OK Boomer

OK Boomer has become increasingly popular and is frequently employed as a response to dismissive or condescending attitudes from older generations towards the younger ones.

Younger individuals often use “OK Boomer” to express their frustration or disagreement with older individuals whom they believe are disconnected from contemporary issues, values, or technology.

45. Opp

OPP is frequently used as an abbreviation for “Opponent” or “Opposition”. It is commonly employed to describe entities that someone is in direct opposition to or competing against.

This slang term is prevalent in online conversations, texting, and on popular platforms such as TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram.

46. POV

POV stands for “point of view”. It is frequently utilized as a tag or caption to signify that the shared content represents the perspective or viewpoint of the individual posting it.

The term is commonly employed in creative or storytelling contexts, where users create videos or images that simulate a particular situation or scenario.

47. Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting is the act of performing only the bare minimum of work necessary for one’s job. This practice entails putting in minimal time, effort, or enthusiasm, which often leads to decreased workplace productivity and engagement.

The term gained popularity as a trend in the early 2020s, influenced by the prevalence of social media and social pressure.

48. Reply Guy

A Reply Guy refers to an individual, typically a man, who consistently and sometimes in an irritating or unwarranted manner, responds to social media posts, especially those created by women.

These individuals often leave comments on tweets, Facebook posts, or other social media content, often demonstrating excessive familiarity, over-familiarity, or providing unsolicited advice. In certain instances, Reply Guys may engage in persistent behavior by continuously engaging in trivial arguments or violating social norms.

49. Rizz

Rizz is commonly used on social media platforms. It represents an individual’s skill in flirting and displaying charm, particularly when pursuing a romantic interest.

Derived from the word “charisma,” the term is employed to describe individuals who exude an undeniable sense of style and confidence.

50. Salty

Salty is commonly employed to portray individuals who display a resentful, bitter, or irritated disposition in their behavior or expressions.

This term is often used to characterize those who exhibit excessive sensitivity, defensiveness, or anger, particularly when faced with criticism or perceived offences. Additionally, “salty” can describe those who utilize sarcasm or make cutting remarks.

51. Sheesh

Sheesh is frequently used to convey emotions like surprise, amazement, annoyance, or disappointment.

It has gained popularity as a viral TikTok slang term to convey a sense of amazement or admiration. Often, it is utilized to express being impressed, exasperated, or in disbelief about something.

52. Shook

Shook is often used to convey a state of shock, surprise, or astonishment. It is also commonly used when something unexpected or impactful occurs that mentally disrupts a person.

This term can encompass a broad spectrum of intense emotions, including disbelief, awe, excitement, and even fear.

53. Side Eye

Side Eye refers to a facial expression in which someone glances disapprovingly or suspiciously at another person, often using the corner of their eyes.

It is a form of nonverbal communication that involves subtle facial cues to convey various emotions. 

54. Simp

Simp is used to describe those who show an excessive amount of concern or deference towards their romantic partner or love interest. A Simp is someone who goes to great lengths to please their partner, sometimes even sacrificing their own needs and desires.

This term is often used to imply that the person is acting foolishly or naively in their efforts to please their partner.

55. Slay

Slay is frequently utilized to describe those who have performed exceptionally well or have left a strong impression on others. While commonly associated with fashion, music, and artistic performances, it can be used in various contexts.

People use it to compliment someone’s appearance, applaud a remarkable accomplishment, or emphasize an outstanding performance.

56. Spill The Tea

Spill the tea has gained popularity on social media and refers to the act of sharing gossip or revealing intriguing news.

It’s akin to asking someone to disclose the latest updates or secrets. This phrase has become a playful means for individuals to engage in conversations about current events or juicy details.

57. Stan


To be a Stan is to embody an incredibly devoted and enthusiastic fandom for a specific celebrity, musician, or public figure. 

Stans are recognized for their profound admiration and active participation in the fan community dedicated to the person or entity they stan.

58. Sus

Sus stands for “suspicious” or “suspect.” It is commonly utilized to convey skepticism or doubt regarding something or someone, especially when a post or message appears questionable or untrue.

Sus has evolved to encompass anything that raises doubts, exhibits dishonesty, or appears suspicious. This expanded usage applies to individuals, events, or even objects that may be deemed questionable or untrustworthy.

59. TBF

TBF is an acronym that stands for “to be fair”. It serves as an introductory term to offer a balanced perspective or introduce a statement that promotes fairness in a discussion.

It is commonly used to acknowledge a counter argument or concede a point during a debate while still upholding one’s own position.

60. TFW

TFW is a commonly used abbreviation for “that feel when” or “that feeling when.” It is primarily employed to introduce a relatable scenario or an image that captures a specific emotion. TFW is more widely used than its counterpart, MFW (“My Face When”).

It is often combined with a humorous meme to provide a relatable context to a situation. The use of “tfw” enables individuals to express and emphasize relatable or awkward experiences.

61. Touch Grass

Touch Grass is a light-hearted phrase that has gained popularity on social media. It serves as a playful reminder for individuals to disconnect from the online world and embrace the outdoors. 

This expression implies that they may be spending excessive time on the internet. They might consider venturing out in the open and spending some time in nature. 

62. Unserious

Within the realm of social media, Unserious pertains to an informal, light-hearted, or non-serious attitude or approach.

It is frequently employed to describe content, conversations, or behaviors that are meant to be playful, humorous, or not to be taken too seriously.

63. Vanish Mode

Vanish Mode is a functionality found on different messaging platforms that enables users to send temporary or disappearing messages to their contacts.

By utilizing Vanish Mode, the messages sent will only be visible to the recipient until they are read, and once read, they vanish or disappear from the conversation.

64. Vibe Check

A Vibe Check is a trend that involves evaluating the energy, mood, or overall “vibe” of a person, group, or situation. It entails assessing the emotional atmosphere or determining whether someone is experiencing a positive or negative state.

In a Vibe Check, one person may inquire about another person’s emotions or current vibe. The whole point is to know more about someone’s mood or energy.

65. Yikes

Yikes is commonly used online to express surprise or shock. It’s similar to saying “Oh no!” or “That’s awkward!” 

This word is a convenient way to respond quickly to something unexpected or a bit uncomfortable.

66. Yeet

Yeet is frequently used to express excitement, enthusiasm, or approval. 

It can function as both an interjection and a verb, showcasing a vibrant energy or emphasizing a powerful action.

Final words

We bet you are feeling confident now! But hey, don’t let these phrases collect dust – put them into action. 

Use them in your captions and posts right away to get some quick traction. Challenge yourself to incorporate at least one new phrase into your conversations each day. 

Watch as it sparks engagement and connects you with this vibrant generation. Let the Gen Z language revolution begin!

Pssst, we also have a dedicated social media glossary that we update every now and then so you don’t miss out on anything. Feel free to come back to it later for more social-trendy words and catchphrases.

Want to check which words are trending in real-time? Check out QuickTrends by signing up for Keyhole for free.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is it important to use Gen Z phrases when communicating with this generation?

Using Gen Z phrases not only helps to build a stronger sense of connection but also establishes a positive rapport with them.

2. How can I effectively incorporate Gen Z phrases into my conversations?

The key to effectively incorporating Gen Z phrases is to practice and use them in your daily conversations. Start by learning a few phrases at a time and use them in conversations with your Gen Z friends or colleagues.

You can also pay attention to how they use these phrases and try to mimic their usage. Over time, you'll become comfortable and confident using these phrases - and you may even find yourself adding some new ones to your vocabulary!

3. Can using Gen Z phrases come across as unprofessional in a work setting?

It depends on the context and professional environment. In some workplaces, using trendy phrases may be seen as inappropriate or unprofessional. However, in more casual or creative work environments, using Gen Z phrases may be more acceptable and even encouraged.

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